Ride Update for Sat. April 30
Our April 30 ride has been moved to May 7th due to weather and trail conditions.
Our April 30 ride has been moved to May 7th due to weather and trail conditions.
Let’s get rolling! A big Hello to the motorized community of Manitoba. The beginning of our riding season is quickly approaching, so now is the time to ensure that you are really ready. Get your tune-up done, whatever that means for you. At minimal, change your oil, clean or replace the air filter, and check your tires and tire pressure. Remember to order or pick up a new helmet, goggles, gloves, rainwear, or any other supplies you might need. Plan ahead now and prepare for the season, in order to really enjoy the full experience of being out in the middle of nowhere.
I want to thank everyone who has joined, or will be joining any motorized off-road club in Manitoba. The organized motorized off-road community is the only non-profit trail organization in Manitoba that is completely self-sustaining.
The non-motorized trail organizations are provincially funded by Trails Manitoba and have recently received millions and because of this endowment fund, they are able to access money as they see fit. Unfortunately, Trails Manitoba does not support motorized trail organizations. We are aware that another ATV organization applied to Trails Manitoba and was denied funding. It seems that the off-road community gets the cold shoulder from the Province of Manitoba. If you have any questions as to why, please write to your provincial MP’s and ask them.
The trails & trail systems require significantly more funding in order to properly manage the official ATV Multi Use trails in Manitoba. Eastman ATV and other ORV organizations are committed to making it safer. Because the province is resistant in providing funding, we do what we can to raise funds: every membership counts. The following link will allow you access membership to Eastman ATV. https://eastmanatv.com/product/membership-2022
Eastman ATV has sent out the Ride Schedule for 2022. All members will begin getting separate emails entitled “Eastman ATV Ride Update ” which will provide specific information about each ride including any revisions or updates made to the scheduled rides. These emails will also inform members of other events supported by the club. This year we have added additional Rides with a different format. They are intended for youth; slower paced and shorter in length than regular rides. We also plan to have an educational component to the ride. As always, more information will be sent before the rides.
ATV Ride for Mom is a go, register online https://eastmanatv.com/product/2022-ride-for-mom-registration It’s going to be an Epic Ride taking place on June 4th. Signs leaving Marchant will direct you to the registration site, which opens at 9AM. The Ride itself, starts at 10:00 AM (a soft start)
We are pleased to inform you that we have our largest board and RFM committee ever. This allows all volunteer tasks to be more manageable, however we still need a T-Shirt person willing to take on the garments.
Eastman ATV members and friends of Eastman ATV, join me in saying thank you to these generous people who give their time and energy to ensure our ATV experience is the best it can be. A big “Thank You” to the volunteers who have stepped up to the board, and the various additional positions in the last year.
Thank You
Don C. Eidse
President Eastman ATV Association