Eastman ATV Windup Dinner
We still have tickets left for our 4th annual wind up dinner! Get them while you still can!
We still have tickets left for our 4th annual wind up dinner! Get them while you still can!
Our Eastman ATV Windup Dinner is fast approaching and we have tickets left for our event Saturday November 9 from 6-9 pm.
There will be a number of door prizes to give away so please share with your friends and family and come out for an enjoyable evening with your fellow ATVER’S!! Tickets can be purchased from our board members and you can also e-transfer and have them held at the door.
Get them while they last as there are only so many available. You can also get them at our last Ride Marchand to Woodridge on Oct 19th if there are still some left.
Hurry! Book your tickets before they are all gone.
Roland Fillion 204-771-7269
Hello Eastman Members,
Well Summer is going by fast. I hope you’re having lots of time out enjoying the trails on your ATV.
This year we made history. After a long awaited time and process ATVMB has finally got the government on board to support ATV trails and funding. As most of you already know there has been a $25.00 fee added onto all ORV vehicles, snowmobiles, atv’s and any off road plates. These funds are collected to help out with the outdoor sports for trail development and maintenance, equipment costs etc. As well as rehabilitation of damage on trails and land. Here at Eastman Atv it has been a long wait to get funding. We had to fundraise via our Membership fees, Windup event, Ride for mom, along with Clean ups, and applying for grants to leverage the minimal funds we have received. This year is the first year in history that we get funding from the government. We have received our first payment of $24780, and will be receiving 2 more payments by the end of the year for a total of approx. $57000! You will see a lot of upgrades to our trail system as our crew of volunteers will be out in full force repairing the trail that we have. There is lots of work to be done, whether it be brushing, culvert repairs, flooded areas, deep ruts, and grooming of our trail system and some trail sign repair and replacement as well. So if you’re out riding the Eastman ATV Trail please use caution as we may be out there working.
As time goes on ATVMB is gaining more clubs throughout the province of Manitoba to develop trails for the ATV enthusiast so you will be able to go riding in different areas of the province on different club trails.
Eastman ATV has worked long and hard to gather and gain equipment to be able to maintain our trail system. We have over the years been able to Raise funds with your help and support to acquire a Massey Fergusson Skip Tractor, a Thwaites 5 Ton Swivel Dumper, A brush mower, numerous chainsaws, brush cutters, A large storage container, Large Steel I beams to drag and smoothen trail and a Trail Truck for our trail maintenance and hundreds of signs and posts to have a safe trail system in our area. Without you, our supporters, we would not have been able to accomplish these things.
Our season is going by fast with about 2 ½ months left of our riding season with our Rides. We have done 6 rides so far and have had a great response to some of the changes. The Whitemouth BBQ ride was a hit, so was our double ride on the weekend at Woodridge. Many of you camped out, some just came out for one day or even both. Our last Ride from Stead to Gull Lake many of you that came out really enjoyed the new route from the north avoiding the 6 miles of road we used to use from Mars Sands. We have 3 rides to go this season and there have been a few changes for 2 of them. See Attached Ride Schedule. Our Night Ride August 24 we will now meet at 5:30 at the staging area for a BBQ before the ride. All members are invited even if you’re not planning on riding this one. It will be going in the Whitemouth River direction. The location for our September 14 ride was originally to be held at Seddons, but we have had to move it to our Eastman Staging Area for the Eastman East Trail ride. And then of Course our Grand Finally the Marchand to Woodridge Ridge Trail which is always a hit with the beautiful view and scenery of the Fall Season.
This year we have decided to put on our Fall Windup.
It will be held in Lorette at the Dawson Trail Motor Inn for BUD SPUD AND STEAK on November 9 from 6-9pm. It will be different this year as we are not making it a fundraiser, just a fun evening for socializing and meeting other ATV enthusiasts. We will not be having a silent auction, 50/50, or a bottle draw, but instead we will have a number of door prizes to give away. This will be an event for Members and invited Guests ONLY. ONLY 175 Tickets will be available. Tickets will be ONLY $25.00 to cover the costs of the meal. We will have them available for purchase at the Night Ride on August 24th. So pass the word around to your ATV friends that you have brought out to our Rides.
I would like to thank everyone for the continued support of our Eastman ATV Club and I look forward to seeing you at the coming Rides and Events.
Thank You
Roland Fillion
Eastman Atv President
Out of respect for all who use our trail system, we’ve unfortunately chosen to cancel our poker derby scheduled for June 8, 2024. As trail stewards on a multi-use shared trail system, the damage that would be sustained by hundreds of machines and the subsequent repairs that would be needed given the current state of the trails with the rains we’ve received (and are forecasted next week) would far exceed any benefit our derby would provide.
With the added rain, our beaver friends have also been busy blocking culverts and flooding sections of trail making a ride of this scale unsafe.
We hope to be able to schedule a new fund raising event in the future.
Eastman ATV Executive Board
Hello everyone!
Well, after a long mild and crazy winter, our riding season is almost upon us and it’s time to renew your MEMBERSHIP.
Support our club, come and help out if you can.
We at Eastman ATV hope you have had a good winter and are soon ready to ride the trails. As the snow slowly dissipates, our trail system will soon be accessible. Many of you have ridden all winter as many snowmobile trails were closed due to lack of snow, so if you can’t ride your sled, why not ride your ATV?
This year, we are going to try a few different things. Our ride committee has come up with the new schedule for the season. This year we will have Ryan Blair and a few others assist with the rides. We will continue to maintain two (2) riding groups unless the group is fairly small. If you’re interested in helping out, please let us know!
We will be having our first ride April 13th, if the weather cooperates, on our Eastman Trail.
Our AGM will be held on a ride this year on May 4th. It will be hosted during a FREE HOT DOG LUNCH at the White Mouth River, so hotdogs, chips and drinks will be provided. If you’re interested in helping out on the board, please let us know as we have a few positions to fill this term.
This year, rather than doing a Ride For Mom, we have decided to try a Poker Derby, which will be held June 8 starting in Marchand where we started with the Ride for Mom. If you’re interested in helping out and volunteering for this event ,please let us know.
We will try a weekend of riding in Woodridge on July 6th & 7th. Camping is available at Woodridge Campground, they also have rentals and there is the vintage store also that has cabins. It should be a great time catching these two great routes.
Last year we got rained out for the NIGHT RIDE so we will try it again, but in August this time.
Well, that is about all I have at the moment. There hasn’t been any breaking news with the club or the ATV world except we will be having government funding coming to help with our trails and maintenance, hopefully starting this year.
Well, folks get your membership renewed and come join us on our rides! The new ride schedule will be sent upon membership renewal. Keep in mind, some may change locations and dates due to changes in weather, but as usual we will send out notices of any changes.
We look forward to seeing everyone out again this season and don’t forget our AGM May 4, 2024.
Roland Fillion
Eastman ATV Ride Director/ In term President