Bud, Spud and Steak – Fundraiser
EastmanATV is holding its 1st annual Bud Spud and Steak Dinner on November 2 at the Dawson Trail Motor Inn, 113 Lagimodiere Ave, Lorette, MB. Tickets are $25 each and there is a limited amount so get them while there still available. We will be having a Silent Auction, Grand Prizes, Door prize, and 50/50 draw. If any of you are interested in tickets or are able to Donate a Prize for the Silent Auction it is much appreciated. Proceeds will be used to form a new trail towards Hadashville next year.
Looking forward to meeting many of you and share some Great Food and Great Company. Event is from 6-9pm but feel free to stay as long as you want, gather your friends and family and bring them out.
Limited Tickets are available through the Eastman ATV Board Members or by contacting Roland at 204-771-7269 or email: rfillion@eastmanatv.com .
If you have Silent Auction Prizes you would like to donate please contact Roland as well.