Eastman ATV June Update

TV Ride for Mom is this Saturday, book now so we can be sure to have your Danny Whole Hog lunch included. The ride is on, the route is much different than the original plan as there is an unusual amount of water in places.

Register online https://eastmanatv.com/product/2022-ride-for-mom-registration

Volunteer here: https://www.slottr.com/eastmanrfm2022

Registration will go up to $65 Friday & Saturday . Book now for $50

We still need volunteers please!!! you will be able to ride the ride after if you would like to. You will be needed at the start only. Contact Bill at bmarsh@eastmanatv.com give him your phone number and he will help you out. Or go straight to and sign up.

We have great news at Eastman ATV and will be making an announcement in the next few weeks.  Membership is ahead of last year with much excitement to our Ride Schedule with the many rides we will have this year.
For today it’s all about The ATV Ride for Mom. Fighting breast cancer is a hard road with no guarantees. The ATV Ride for Mom is our Bold Kick to cancer! A huge thank you to all the volunteers that are working hard now, today and yesterday to give you the best ride we can. You wouldn’t believe the days that go into this. Please come out this sunny Saturday and make a donation  to Cancer Care Manitobawhen you buy your ticket to the ATV Ride for Mom. 

Don C. Eidse

Co-Chair ATV Ride for Mom

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