Eastman ATV March 2022 Update
Big Year Ahead * Reboot – Ride for Mom * Regular Family Rides * Leisure Family Rides
Eastman ATV 2022 Features
- ATV Ride for Mom: is currently the 2nd largest ATV event in Western Canada . It’s a big year for re-booting the RFM, up to 800 riders expected!
- Full ride schedule for regular Family Ride Schedule (Schedule to be out in March )
- Addition of trial Leisure Family Rides Schedule, intended for youth or individuals who prefer a slower paced ride.
- Along with being a shorter ride and route; it will be a bit of an info ride, with a variety of topics covered on each ride, more on that to follow.
- We are having a trial of 4 scheduled Leisure Family Rides for 2022. These rides will be on the same day and location as our Regular Family Ride only with a different start time and route. This is a trial for this year, to support a wider range of members. Your membership, attendance and feedback will determine its success.
- ATV updates, Club updates, Membership package – Trail Pass / Club Membership decal(s), 5 year and 10 year club member decal, & ATVMB decal.
- Eastman ATV AGM – to be sure you have the opportunity to guide your club’s direction.
- Club merchandise, – to share the Eastman ATV enthusiasm of the enjoyable people in our club.
- October Club Windup – A great time, Steak Spud and a Bud, good times!
- In purchasing a $50 membership, you are showing that you support organized trail building and maintenance in Manitoba.
- Being part of a club is the only way we have a voice; please join today!
Hello Eastman ATV, our membership is off to a good start for 2022. A number have re-joined already. Remember, every membership counts to double our club money with grant money used for trail maintenance. Please continue to support Eastman ATV, and if you have not joined a club, please do! Your support really makes a difference! Now is the time to join. The link below will allow you to easily obtain a membership.
Please show your support for building trails, maintaining trails, and of course, enjoying big loops and main connections of trail riding. $50 online today will help protect your trail riding tomorrow; please join.
Eastman ATV is growing every year. If you have missed a few years we encourage you to come back. Read below: we want this organization to be what you want it to be. Come help guide your club into the super club it’s becoming.
Some ATV organizations have had challenges because of Covid. Eastman ATV has had challenges too, but we are increasing in numbers and expect further growth this year. As we expand, we recognize we need some talented people to help us. Come and be a part of a successful team, driven by a consensus board, that makes it work well. We have asked for help with IT and we have very skilled volunteers. We asked for a photo/ video support person and now have a member who stepped up. Thank you Eastman ATV, What a very impressive community of support we have here!
I have one other request for help; regarding merchandise, like T-shirts, hoodies and hats. The role could easily be divided into three parts depending on who wants to do what.
Person 1.) Distribution of sales, collection of payments. All offline at rides you attend.
Person 2.) Taking orders, keeping track of all orders and monies collected.
Person 3.) Managing online stores for garments. The division of roles is very flexible. This could be one person who does it all, or two people who split it ,or three people, as mentioned above.
Manitoba Outdoor Show March 11-13, 2022
ATVMB will be attending and EATV will be there supporting ATVMB in addition to promoting Eastman ATV. We will keep you posted on the others.
1)Manitoba Outdoors Show – March 11-13th (Limited Space Available)
2) The Great Outdoors Expo – April 30 – May 1st – Lac Du Bonnet
3) Interlake Outdoors Show – September 10 – 11th – Arborg
Today is the day to join Eastman ATV https://eastmanatv.com/product/membership-2022