Eastman ATV February 2022 Update
Hello to all ATV, SxS, and trail bike, or ORV people! Unless you have tracks or a sled, about the only thing ATV you can do is look at videos. While you are there, join a n ATV club. Actually I am able to plow my driveway, it’s fun, challenging, fun.
A decision regarding the fate of this year’s “Eastman ATV Ride for Mom” will be made on March 1st, 2022. We will update you, the following day, and let you know if the ride is a “go” for June 4th.
I am happy to say my request to obtain an “IT” person for Eastman ATV was answered. A big thank you to everyone who stepped up. We are now stronger than ever and very fortunate to have talented volunteers working on our website and backend of the store, which allows us to do the billing for large events like the RFM.
(Volunteer required*) “2022 Eastman ATV Photo / Video Director”
Taking photos or videos on our rides and events, so far, has been a “hit and miss” ; on some occasions we have a lot of photos and on some we don’t have any. We need a better approach, which is why I’m looking for a volunteer willing to help our club and take on the role as “2022 Eastman ATV Photo / Video Director”. Responsibilities would be to manage, edit, direct, organize and coordinate with both club members and friends of the club regarding photo opportunities. The club will also be working with professional drone videographers, so a volunteer who would feel comfortable helping out in this manner and look forward to embracing this opportunity would be of great benefit to the club.
This is a big task, and will take up some of your free time. Ideally the candidate would become the contact person for members to send in their photos or videos. Having a coherent collection of photos and videos, would allow us to show more of our rides and events for our website, social media and events. The photo director would also be working with new or existing board members. Please let me know if you are interested, or have any questions.
Call Don E. – cell 204.558.5690
*This position does not need to be limited to one person. Perhaps it would work to have different tasks delegated to different individuals? If so, it is something we can discuss together. Please talk, text, or email me. The position has the potential to be quite enjoyable, while capturing some great moments in history.
We have the rough draft for our Eastman ATV 2022 Ride Schedule and will have the final out in February. In addition to the regular ride,a slower paced young family ride will be offered on the same day; a shorter ride,with more stops, and a slower pace. As this group may have some less experienced riders, we want to bring safety even more to the forefront. All safety and legal practices will be reviewed and followed to enjoy the safest of rides.
Registration for 2022 Eastman ATV Membership is open
Go to https://eastmanatv.com/product/membership-2022-2
Please join and support your riding area.
Membership has increased from $45 to $50. I don’t think anyone thinks this is unjustified, if you do please let me know. All of our club costs have doubled, and in some cases,more than doubled. The additional five dollars this year is necessary and reasonable. I understand we have a large number of members who support us with membership for trail maintenance. Many ride with their own groups and times, and out of respect for that, we need to keep the increase prudent.
We are incredibly grateful for the many members that support us by purchasing memberships. We use the majority of membership dues to be matched dollars in grants. EATV wants to be known for taking care of great trails. We are all part of that, thank you!