AOHVA Approaching Land Use Changes with Determination
It is with a measure of disapointment we continue to hear about the continued targeting of ORV users in Alberta by Alberta’s provincial NDP government, who appear to be attempting to enact one of the largest land use changes in the province’s history. Part of the focus is on the Castle region, which encompasses an area of over 103,000 hectares which is banned to ORV users. Alberta’s Environment Minister Shannon Phillips even went so far as to indicate those those who oppose the ban are “the radical far right” in an article in the Calgary Herald on July 27th:
ATVMB strongly opposes the Minister’s identity politics. ORV riding is not a political issue, it is a recognized, long-standing form of recreation that is enjoyed by people from all walks of life. From nurses to teachers to farmers and more, ORV riding is enjoyed by Canadians and their families on a daily basis. Below is a link to the newsletter from AOHVA decribing the ongoing efforts of the tens of thousands of ORV riders in Alberta who respect and want to continue to maintain a comprehensive trail management strategy to ensure public land remains open to all user groups.