Eastman ATV August Update
It’s unusually dry. No… no backcountry travel is still in effect. We have had little rain, we need 50 ml or more to change the conditions. This is not the time to ride with such a high fire hazard. Do you need any service on your ride? Maybe this is the time to clean it up & spray with silicone to bring that color out. Perhaps finally install that light bar, horn, put the fire extinguisher back on, or take it in to get that done. I have finally pick up some extra fuses. I know we are all ready to go, our time will come.
Unsmoke Canada
We are having a trail clean up September 11th & 12th, please come out and support your riding area. You will receive a free t-shirt, water, and lunch from Unsmoke Canada our trail clean up sponsor. A very big Thank You to Unsmoke Canada for sponsoring this trail clean up event. Contact Bill Marsh wmarsh@eastmanatv.com and let him know what day works for you. We will be providing an update next month for you, mark it down on your calendar please, it will be an awesome social event also.
We had a challenge with our contact list, it was an internal crash, no security threat and we are in the process of recapturing the email addresses, please bear with us, if you get it at the wrong email address or not at all, let us know, or you can rejoin our mailing list. We need your help with our email contact list, if you could go to our website and re-join if you do not get this as an email. I appreciate your help on this as the circle of friends that are loosely part of our group in one way or another. There will be some incorrect or missing emails as I’m working with original email addresses on a one by one basis. Some bounce backs I can fix, most I can’t. If you do not receive an email by Aug 3rd, please re-join our mailing list, if you’re a member say “hey Don fix this!” Either way I want to be sure we have your correct email on our Eastman ATV Monthly Update, we value both membership, our growing Facebook friends, and associates in our Manitoba Outdoor circle.
We were planning an Outdoor Eastman ATV 2021 AGM to meet Covid 19 restrictions, fire restrictions halt us. We may consider a Zoom AGM.
“No backcountry Travel” has Eastman ATV in a no go position for any outdoor events, we will keep you posted. Thank you for your continued support of Eastman ATV, planning for our future.