Eastman ATV July Update


Absolutely uplifting and joyous to be out riding with the club. We had a great ride June 26th from our staging area out to the Whitemouth River with 2 separate groups, both groups had a full day of riding, a little hot but great to be on a ride again with friends

For 2021 Please support your riding area. Please spend the same as 1/2 tank of gas for yearly support of your trails. Join the many people that see the $45 online, for membership at https://eastmanatv.com/product/membership-2021 as your choice to improve your trails. All members receive a “Membership / Voluntary Trail Pass ” decal, 2021 Eastman ATV Membership card, and an official Eastman ATV Trail map.
I have caught up on the 2021 membership listing and email group. If you are a 2021 member you should be receiving the Ride Update email, if not email me, deidse@eastmanatv.com please.

The Eastman ATV board has been busy at work on all fronts. We have been able to acquire 2 grants very recently so we are very excited about that, one is 50/50 with matched club funds, so your $45 membership is used to match the grant giving us double. the $2,500 grant, $2,500 membership = $5,000 to fix the trail. This has been our biggest membership year with 140 so far with 42 of them new family memberships, I still have a few memberships to send out to members. The Ride schedule is available to members, we have missed one of the scheduled rides, we will try to make it up. Next ride is July 24th, members will receive an update Trail maintenance is ongoing, we really appreciate the people who come out to help on the trail work, thank you.

See the attached statistics on motorcycle and ORV off road equipment sales if you are interested.

Hopefully by July 24 more restrictions are lifted and we can ride as one group, we will keep you posted.

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