“EASTMAN 2017” Membership Renewal Time

 Riding Season is Fast Approaching!

It’s hard to believe that another year has passed by for Eastman ATV Association.  It was a very busy and productive 2016, with a very exciting riding season, the Ride for Mom, a lot of trail work and new members joining Eastman. We finished out the year with ninety two paid family memberships. We would like to thank you all personally for coming out and making Eastman a great group to ride with. We are laying out the groundwork for the future of our sport, as there is certain to be changes on the horizon to the locations where we can ride.

Please know that by supporting Eastman ATV Association and being an organized club we have a voice and an opportunity to show the general public that the sport of ATV riding can be a family sport and a great way to get out and safely explore this great Province of Manitoba.

We will be facing many new challenges in the coming year. By continuing to support Eastman and working as a team we are sure to accomplish great things for our sport and our communities. I would also like to hear ideas and ways we can improve our club, for all to use and benefit from for many years to come.

Please take the time to visit our website and fill out your membership application renewal for 2017, at eastmanatv.com. The Annual General Meeting for Eastman ATV Association will be on April 2, 2017, we will be looking for you to come out and be involved! Please bring your ideas and support, as this is your club, be a part of its future.

By being a paid member of Eastman ATV Association, you are also a paid member of the All Terrain Vehicle Association of Manitoba (ATVMB).  The Annual General Meeting of the All Terrain Vehicle Association of Manitoba will take place on Saturday, March 18, 2017.  This is an opportunity to learn about what ATV Manitoba has been doing on behalf of all ATV Enthusiasts and to hear from guest speakers.

We will be looking for you on the trail this summer and please remember this is your club, as a paid member of Eastman ATV Association you have a vested right and an opportunity to make a difference and to be a part of the development and decision making process for the future of the ATV Community here in Manitoba.

Renewal Eastman Membership 2017

We accept Visa, Master Card and PayPal.

*** Please note the we will be handing out the membership cards at the Eastman ATV Association AGM in April. Date and location to be announced shortly. *** 

Thank you!
Deborah Nicol
President, Eastman ATV Association

Help support responsible riding, “Join Today”

ATVs are not toys

Highlighting the accomplishments and challenges of ATVing in Manitoba by  

Armando Brambilla sits on top of his ATVArmando Brambilla is the president of the All Terrain Vehicle Association of Manitoba (ATVMB).— Photo courtesy Armando Brambilla

The All Terrain Vehicle Association of Manitoba (ATVMB) was formed in 2009 to address the rapidly growing sport of ATV riding in Manitoba. Its mandate is to promote safe, respectful and environmentally conscious ATV use; to represent the interests of the ATV community in Manitoba; and to develop a designated ATV trail system in the province. Armando Brambilla is president of the ATVMB. He shared some information about what the association has accomplished and is currently working on, as well as what’s next.


ATVMB is pleased to report that we are seeing success in trail development, with two newly designated trails in southeastern Manitoba and additional projects in the works.


ATVMB will be submitting an application for funding that will cover trail projects in southeastern Manitoba managed by the Eastman ATV Association and the Woodridge ATV Sandhogs. Another project will be in the Interlake area, managed by the South Interlake ATV Club, and the Belair ATV Club will manage a trail project in the Belair Forest.


Lack of sufficient funding has been a major challenge. We are fortunate to receive an annual grant from the Canadian Off Highway Vehicle Distributors Council, which is how we manage to stay afloat. We have accomplished quite a lot with very limited revenue and are looking into various options for sustainable funding that will allow us to grow the organization, support ATVMB clubs and continue to develop designated trails across Manitoba.

We also struggle with club formation and low member numbers. There are over 34,000 registered machines in Manitoba; however, it seems that the majority of owners may not see the value in being organized. ATVMB is working hard to turn this around and is confident that as our designated trail system progresses, riders will see the value in membership.

On a positive note, we have a great working relationship with the Manitoba Government, and ATVMB is recognized as the “voice” of recreational ATVers in Manitoba.

An ATV drives on Interlake Pioneer TrailBrambilla recommends riding the Interlake Pioneer Trail, which runs through the heart of the Interlake region.— Photo courtesy Armando Brambilla


We believe young riders should be required to take an ATV rider safety course to ensure that they have a clear understanding of how to operate their machine, wear the proper riding gear and ride a size/weight appropriate machine. As much as people like to refer to them as such, ATVs are not toys.

Mandatory safety training would require a legislation change, which we believe will happen at some point in the future.


Manitoba has beautiful and varied landscapes which are a pleasure to explore. There is something I find extremely relaxing about cruising down a trail with friends and family, seeing the outdoors and stopping to enjoy a snack or lunch while socializing. These all have a very positive impact on my mental well-being.


A 45-minute drive east of Winnipeg has you on trails that allow you to experience the lifecycle of a forest. The trail begins in an area of low shrubbery, progresses to tall Jack pines and touches the shores of ancient Lake Agassiz, which is a wonderful scenic viewpoint.

If you head north of Winnipeg on Highway 59, you can ride in the Belair Forest among majestic Jack pines on miles of sandy trails. For a great destination ride, hit the Interlake Pioneer Trail, which runs through the heart of the Interlake region. This trail was once a rail line and is over 100 years old, thus giving the rider the experience of traveling the path of our ancestors. The 106-kilometre trail runs from Gross Isle to Fisher Branch and is a multi-use trail, enjoyed by motorized and non-motorized trail users in the summer and snowmobilers in the winter.


The best way to get involved is to join an ATVMB affiliated club or to form one in your own area of the province.

For local information, visit atvmb.ca and for national information, atvquad.ca/en.

Manitoba Outdoors Show – Feb. 10 – 12, 2017

Eastman ATV Association will be promoting the Ride for Mom and Eastman at the Manitoba Outdoors Show.  Please come out and show support, man the post and have some fun meeting new people and talking about what we all know and love – ATVing!

Date – February 10th – 12th

Place – Red River Exhibition Place

Admission – Adults $10.00, Children 16 & Under FREE

Free Parking

Stage & Pool Demonstrations

Show Hours – Friday 4pm – 8pm, Saturday 11pm – 5pm, Sunday 11pm – 5pm

Ride for Mom June, 3, 2017

The Second Ride for Mom being hosted by Eastman ATV Association, is being held on June 3, 2017. Eastman will be supporting CancerCare Manitoba Foundation for Breast Cancer Research, where all funds raised stay in Manitoba.

If you would like to come out and be a huge part of this amazing event, we would appreciate your volunteer time. Please go to our site at atvrideformom.com and register today! We will place you where needed to help make the Ride for Mom a huge success.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

Deborah Nicol
Chair, Eastman ATV Association
Ride for Mom

21 Year Old Dies In Snowmobile Collision

When a 21-year-old male did not return home by snowmobile, after leaving a residence in Ile Des Chenes Monday night, his family members went looking for him.

The male was headed for home at approximately 10:30 pm December 19, but didn’t arrive. On December 20, at approximately 5:45 pm St. Pierre RCMP received a report of a snowmobile collision. The male driver of the snowmobile was located the next day in a ditch off of Highway 207 near the intersection of Pine Grove Road, in the RM of Tache. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Although he was wearing a helmet, poor weather conditions that night may have been a factor in the collision. RCMP say there was low visibility with heavy blowing snow that night. The investigation into the cause of the collision is still under investigation.

Category: Local News
Written by Tammy Plett


ATV Designated Trails – Rider Restrictions During Snowmobile Season

ATV trails are open to all trail users from April 1st to November 30th annually.  During the snowmobile season, December 1st to March 31st, please stay off of all groomed snowmobile trails.  These dates apply to all Snoman groomed trails, with the exception of the Interlake Pioneer Trail where the ATV closure dates are November1st to April 30th.

It is through mutual respect and cooperation that all trail enthusiasts will be able to enjoy the beautiful Manitoba trail system.

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