Off-road vehicle fees to help fund trail upgrades, enhance rural economies

Government of British Columbia

B.C.’s network of off-road vehicle-friendly backcountry trails is getting a boost, thanks to a new provincial government fund, Minister of State for Rural Economic Development Donna Barnett announced today on behalf of Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Steve Thomson.

The ORV Trail Management Sub-Account is financed through a portion of fees ORV owners pay to ICBC when registering their vehicles. The $320,000-and-growing fund is dedicated to supporting projects that build new — and maintain existing — vehicle-friendly recreation trails in remote and rural areas throughout the province and to promoting safe and responsible ORV use.

In 2015, the Province introduced mandatory registration for off-road vehicles operated on Crown land. Since then, British Columbians have registered more than 100,000 ORVs, at a one-time fee of $48 per vehicle.

The fee is designed to support the Province’s off-road vehicle management framework, an integrated plan designed that ensures off-road vehicles – including snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles or “quads”, dirt bikes and side-by-sides – are driven in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.

The Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, through its Recreation Sites and Trails branch, will administer the fund. Staff are developing formal project guidelines that will be available to First Nations and stakeholder groups for review this fall. No projects will be selected until the formal guidelines and application process are in place.


Steve Thomson, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations –

“The new ORV trail fund will support the construction and maintenance of vehicle-friendly recreational trails in remote and rural areas, providing local jobs and supporting our goal of enhancing a world-class trail network that provides opportunities for all users groups.”

Donna Barnett, Minister of State for Rural Economic Development –

“Many towns in rural B.C. are turning to recreation as an important way to attract and retain residents and help diversified local economies. The new fund doesn’t just mean that our off-road trails will be safer and better maintained, it represents real support for rural communities, and will help create jobs and enhance regional tourism opportunities.”

Jeremy McCall, executive director, Outdoor Recreation Council – 

“The new fund is a positive step for our outdoor recreational users and helps support the responsible use of B.C.’s outdoors while enhancing public recreation opportunities in B.C.’s back-country. We look forward to supporting the great work that is going to be done upgrading and advancing B.C.’s trail system.”

Richard Cronier, president, B.C. Snowmobile Federation –

“We are very pleased with the new fund and we look forward to working closely with government and other recreational partners to enhance our motorized off-road trail system and recreational opportunities for organized snowmobiling in B.C.”

Moira Jaatteenmaki, president, Quad Riders ATV Association –

“We are pleased to support the ORV registration and licensing process, and are happy that we now have a fund in place that will assist us to focus on connecting and maintaining trail networks and increasing the opportunities for riders to get out and responsibly enjoy the activities we love.”

Quick Facts:

  • Projects supported by the new fund will be in line with B.C.’s trails strategy, which guides the Province as it works to sustain a network of environmentally responsible backcountry trails. B.C. developed the strategy in consultation with First Nations, local and regional governments, recreational organizations and industry.
  • B.C.’s recreation sites and trails receive around 9.7 million visitors each year and contribute $112 million to the provincial GDP.
  • B.C.’s recreation sites and trails support 2,700 full-time jobs in rural and remote locations throughout B.C.

Eastman ATV Annual General Meeting April, 2nd

Members & Friends of Eastman ATV

Please plan on attending this very important meeting for our club, we have invited the fallowing people to speak at the AGM.
  • Elseline Fenton STARS Air Ambulance
  • Bob Lagasse MLA Dawson Trail
  • Deborah Nicol ATV Ride for Mom
  • Armando Brambilla ATVMB
Come on out and hear what we have planned for the 2017 riding season and see what trail expansion we have been developing for the future of our trail system.
We thank all the members that have renewed your membership for 2017 and if you have not renewed yet please consider renewing today and showing your continued support for responsible riding in this province. Building a sustainable riding system for all user group to share and enjoy for generations to come.
April 2, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: Le Club les Bles d’Or hall
1254 Dawson Road
Event information and Map “Click Here” 
Renew your Membership TodayClick Here” 

The All Terrain Vehicle Association of Manitoba Annual Report to Members

March 2017

ATV Manitoba has had another successful year and we are very happy to report that
development of designated ATV trails in our province continues.

In June 2016 we held the grand opening of the Eastman and Little Big Foot Trails in
Southeastern Manitoba with a number of government officials and industry partners
in attendance.

With the ongoing development of designated trails in
Manitoba, comes the need for sustainable funding to
support this initiative. To that end, ATVMB met with
the Manitoba Government in November 2016 to
discuss a user-pay method of funding. Since that
meeting, Government personnel have been in touch
with other Federations across the country to determine
the most effective method of providing sustainable
funding and have recently advised that they would like
to meet with us to continue these discussions.

The Canadian Off Highway Vehicle Distributors Council continues to be ATVMB’s
primary funder, providing an annual grant that allows the organization to continue its
work. In addition, and in celebration of Canada’s 150th Anniversary, COHV has
announced a trail project grant program called the Canada 150 Grant Program.
ATVMB has applied for this funding ($10,000 per Federation), having submitted an
application for four separate trail projects, two in southeastern Manitoba, one in
Belair and one in the South Interlake area. The cost of these projects will far exceed
the funding that is available, however, with the dedication and commitment of our
member clubs, we are confident that the available funds will be put to good use in
expanding or improving our trail system.

ATVMB continues to focus on the strategic priorities of the organization, which are
trail development, funding/sponsorship and communication. Our goals are all
equally important and overlap, as one without the other will not result in a successful
outcome. Trail development is truly our main goal but cannot be achieved without
adequate funding and a sound communication plan.

Trail Development:
With the success of the southeast ATV trail designation projects, the Manitoba
Government is open to further ATV trail designation in the province and we are
pleased to report that trail development is moving forward with the latest project
taking place in the Belair Forest region, east of Lake Winnipeg. The Department of
Sustainable Development invited representatives from The Belair ATV Club,
ATVMB, local snowmobile clubs, the Red River North Trail Association and the Rural
Municipalities of Alexander, Brokenhead and St. Clements to meet to discuss the
proposed project and address any concerns that the various stakeholders may have.

This committee, called the Belair Trail

Committee will work to resolve any issues or
concerns raised and once satisfied with the
trail project as proposed, the Department of
Sustainable Development Resource
Management Team, consisting of
representatives from Forestry, Parks,
Fisheries, Water Resources, Enforcement,
Regional Operations and Environment, will
review the proposed project and determine if
the project can proceed. The Belair trail
project is primarily a signage project of
existing trails. If approval is received, there
will be some work to do on certain areas of
the trail and trail way finding signage will be
installed. The trail runs from Stead
northward to Traverse Bay with several loops
branching off the main north/south route.

Communication is a key component of any organization. ATVMB strives to keep our
members informed and realizes that we have some work to do in this area. This
past year we have endeavored to provide ATVMB activity updates to our member
clubs and we trust that you have found these to be informative. In addition to relying
on club presidents to keep members informed, we also use our website, FaceBook
and our Twitter feed.
A website redesign is part of our strategic plan, but as with all improvements, this will
take time and money. If we are successful in acquiring additional funding, a website
redesign will be a priority.

Safety education is also a component of our strategic plan. This is such an
important topic and yet it is one of the most challenging. Manitoba does not legislate
mandatory ATV safety training and as a result, it is difficult to encourage riders to
participate. ATVMB has partnered with Safety Services Manitoba as they offer an
ATV training course, however, there has been little uptake. We are currently
conducting a pilot program to test two on-line safety training programs; one for ATVs
and one for ORVs and if the programs prove to be of value, they will be promoted to
our membership and the general public. Both programs are free to anyone who
wishes to participate. These programs will only be a small step in ATV safety
training. The most effective method of training is hands-on. There are hands-on
programs available, however, there needs to be a market for them to be successful.
So far, that market among recreational riders in Manitoba is almost non-existent. It
may take a legislation change to grow that market and that will involve the
government. We are seeing success with trail designation, which improves rider
safety and the hope is that one day we will see legislation that will mandate ATV
safety training, particularly for younger riders and those new to the sport.


• Manitoba Public Insurance
ATVMB continues to foster relationships and build partnerships with
stakeholders. In 2016 the safety committee met with Manitoba Public
Insurance to discuss how we might partner on safety promotion. MPI agreed
to develop artwork for a poster that would be distributed to dealers promoting
ATV safety and a brochure that would be used in dealerships and also when
ATVMB is attending trade show.

• Mid-Canada Marine and Power Sports Dealers Association (MMPDA)
Our relationship with the MMPDA remains strong. We recently ran a corporate
member recruitment campaign and now have a number of dealers as corporate
members of ATVMB. We also receive support from individual dealers and
have been supported by Headingley Sport Shop and Adventure Power
Products through their generous offer of meeting space within their
dealerships. In addition to that support, Enns Brothers is interested in a
sponsorship program and we are currently working with them on that.

• Saskatchewan ATV Association
Among all the ATV Federations across Canada, ATVMB and SATVA appear to
have the most in common. Early in 2016, SATVA General Manager John
Meed and ATVMB Executive Director Kim Wozniak started a discussion on
how the two organizations could work together and learn from one another.
After discussions with our respective Boards, it was decided that each
Federation would have one representative remotely participate in board
meetings for the purpose of sharing ideas and learning from one another. This
partnership has been working very well and we plan to continue the partnership

Public Relations:
Public relations activities are an important aspect of ATVMB and the board strives to
participate in events that provide an opportunity to connect with the public,
government and riders for the purpose of promoting responsible recreational riding in
our province.

Over the past year ATVMB has participated in the following events:
• Association of Manitoba Municipalities Trade Show in November 2016. This
event an opportunity to meet with councilors and reeves from rural
municipalities across the province to discuss ATV use and organization of the
sport within their communities.
• In February 2017 we participated in the Manitoba Outdoor Show, with
Eastman/Ride for Mom hosting their own booth and the Woodridge Sandhogs
joining ATVMB in the provincial booth.
• In April we will be at the MTCML trade show, once again to network with rural
municipalities. The MTCML, or Municipalities Trading Company of Manitoba
Ltd., is the business arm of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities.
• The Mid-Canada Marine and Power Sports Dealers Association have advised
that they will be hosting a powersports show in the fall of 2017. This trade
show has proven to be an excellent venue for ATVMB as it attracts the right
audience. We have attended in the past and will likely do so again this year.

National Representation:
ATVMB continues to be very connected to both COHV and AQCC. Past President
Donald Eidse and our Executive Director Kim Wozniak attended the AQCC AGM
and conference in September 2016, which resulted in Kim being elected to the
AQCC board of directors.

Benefits of Membership:
Member benefits are not always clear to the average member. Some benefits are
very evident, like receiving free copies of Go Riding four times a year, while others
are not.

One of the major club benefits is discounted insurance. General Liability Insurance
protects the club while hosting club rides, meetings and social events; and Directors
and Officers Insurance protects the personal assets of board members in the event
that the organization is sued for any wrongful act or mis-statement in the course of
day-to-day activities. Both policies are critical to the success of an organization and
both are offered to ATVMB clubs at a significant discount.

In addition to discounted club insurance, individual members have the opportunity to
save when insuring their ATV through the “Got Toys” program run by Oasis
Insurance. Next time you need to renew your ATV insurance check it out,

And then we have advocacy. This activity quite often goes unnoticed by the average
member, however, it is a critical component to the success of a club and important to
individual members. ATVMB is your voice when dealing with Government. It is
through the advocacy efforts of ATVMB that we have been able to successfully
designate ATV trails on Crown land. ATVMB is advocating for sustainable funding,
which when received will benefit all ATV clubs under the ATVMB umbrella. ATVMB
also responds to the threat of trail closures, such as in the Mars Hill case a few years
ago. It is through the advocacy efforts of ATVMB that we were able to preserve
some access to trails in this area.

Lastly, and possibly the most important benefit of membership, is the opportunity for
ATVMB clubs to access Federal and/or Provincial funding when it is made available.
ATVMB and three member clubs took advantage of Federal funding made available
through the National Trails Coalition in 2014/15. In honour of Canada’s 150th
Anniversary, COHV is running a grant program and 4 of our member clubs have
submitted applications through ATVMB. It isn’t a large amount of money, however,
some is better than nothing at all and we anticipate that clubs will make good use of
the available funding.

ATVMB club membership currently stands at 5 clubs – Belair ATV Club, Eastman
ATV Association, Portage Off Road Vehicle Club, South Interlake ATV Club and the
Woodridge ATV Sandhogs.
Our hope is that as we continue to develop ATV trails in the province, new clubs will
be formed and those that currently exist but are not under the provincial umbrella,
will realize the benefits of uniting and will become member clubs of ATVMB.

In an effort to increase our member numbers, ATVMB ran a corporate member
recruitment program inviting power sports dealers to become members of ATVMB.
This program is seeing some results and has also generated interest from one
dealer regarding a sponsorship program. At the request of Enns Brothers, ATVMB
submitted a sponsorship proposal asking for sponsorship of the four trail projects as
submitted by Belair ATV Club, Eastman ATV Association, South Interlake ATV Club
and the Woodridge Sand Hogs. No news to date as to whether our proposal has
been accepted.

Annual General Meeting 2017:
The ATVMB annual general meeting was held March 18th, in Victoria Beach
Manitoba. Members participated in the annual election of officers and approved a
new set of bylaws. Departing board members Monica Helfrich-Fischer and Deborah
Nicol were recognized for their service on the ATVMB Board of
Directors over the past year. Donald Eidse, Past-President, was
recognized for his dedication and commitment to ATVMB over
the past 5 years, and was presented with a plaque
commemorating is 4 years as ATVMB President, 2013 – 2017.

The newly elected ATVMB Board of Directors:

Armando Brambilla
Calvin Egg
Chris Frazao
Greg Gowryluk
Gary Hora
Jim Nicol
Hartley Pokrant
Natalie Sever
Brian Rychlicki

As per bylaw 7.1, the officers of the Board shall be President, Vice President and
Secretary/Treasurer, and shall be appointed by the Board of Directors at their first
Board meeting following this AGM.

Logic for Castle Park decision, Alberta ORV Ban

posted on March 15, 2017 by Taber Times

As of March 20, 2017, the road to your home will be locked off.

Reason being, you have wrecked your road over the last 30 years of use. You have driven too fast, made potholes and tracks, and due to this, you are now locked out.

Or how about your local park, how would that be if it was locked up because somebody vandalized the equipment or has been riding on bike paths when muddy and wrecking the trail?

You might say this is crazy, I pay taxes, insurance and plates for my vehicle, this is just regular maintenance on the road and park. What is wrong here, this is insane.

Yes. It is insane, welcome to our world, the users of the Castle.

My family of children, grandchildren, have hunted, fished, hiked, ATV’d, rode horseback, random camped in forestry from the Oldman all the way to Waterton Park since 1982, and a lot of those trails are not much worse than they were then.

I laugh when I read all those comments from B.C. and wherever telling us how things are in the Castle. It’s my backyard friend, and I know better than you can even imagine of what’s going on.

We have been in business for 40 years, had a place in CNP for 13 years, paid taxes to government, CNP and all of a sudden me and my family are now weekend warriors, hell raisers, throw garbage, tear up the environment and don’t care about our area.

As I started this letter yes, we do need regular maintenance on our roads and also on our quad, hiking, horseback, mountain bike and whatever else trails we have.

We have had these trails for 30 plus years and that is what I am trying to get across, is the fact these trails need maintenance for all of us. Don’t let them pick us apart one user group at a time, or we are all doomed.

We have offered to pay the government user fees for random camping and ATVs for 20 years and also asked them to use part of the registration fees for trail maintenance, just to fall on deaf ears.

The government is on a mission in Alberta to turn all our areas into another Banff or Waterton, with paved roads so we can pay our park fee and the thousands of us can drive through daily and ooh and awe about how beautiful it is.

What they forgot is that these cars run on gasoline that pollutes our environment, but that’s OK. That’s better than the few quads or snowmobiles that are out there.

I just read a study that is there are good bridges, 90 plus per cent of ATVs use bridges.

The amount of supposed garbage been thrown around by quads and random campers is so blown out of perspective, it is unreal.

It’s always nice to hear from people who have never set foot in the forestry of how terrible it is when they are 400-600 kms away or not even from Canada.

Why the government has decided to hook up with Y2Y, a group of environmentalists with billions of dollars behind them from the States, I don’t know. They will walk over anybody or any group that get in their way.

Look at their track record; they have shut down third- and fourth-generation ranches, and whatever else they have to get their true environmental zone, where no one sets foot in.

The forestry is a place for all Alberta residents to enjoy the outdoors. To change to a park system only means another Banff or Jasper.

All I ask is for the people of Alberta to wake up before it’s too late and take a stand and say no. We, first of all, do not need all these parks and regulations.

I remember Ralph Klein said, “We don’t need any more parks in Alberta”, and he was 100 per cent right.

Please fight for all our areas across Alberta, whatever user group you are, before we lose it all.

Thank you,


First ATV ride of the season safety check list

Here are some tips to consider when reawakening your ATV for the season


A close up photo of an ATV tire.

Tire integrity is a must check before you take your first ride of the season. Check for proper tire pressure and tire/tread integrity. — Trish Drinkle photo

Warmer weather and longer days find many ATVers eager to hit the trails for their first adventure of  the season.  It is important to consider a few key safety essentials before embarking upon that first ride.

Here are some tips to consider when reawakening your ATV for the season, designed to prevent you from becoming stranded in the backcountry.

A photo of a yellow ATV in a garage.

A professional tuneup is money well spent, giving you peace of mind and a clean bill of health for your ATV. — Trish Drinkle photo

  1. Battery life:  Those who do not use a battery tender, a device designed to maintain the integrity and charge of your ATV battery, may find their ATVs without power. The cold winter temperatures can drain and damage batteries, rendering them useless and unable to take a charge.  Bring your battery in to your local dealership or repair shop, and have the service department test the battery.  You may need to purchase a new battery.
  2. Mice: You must check for mice and other rodents who love to take up residence in your ATV air box.  Inspect your air box thoroughly and if you find signs of mice inspect all wiring—the critters are notorious for chewing wiring resulting in many an ATV rendered useless.
  3. Check tires and tire pressure as winter will create a fluctuation of tire pressure. Check your owner‘s manual for the optimum tire pressure setting as over-inflated or under-inflated tires can cause a loss of control when riding, or cause tires to become easily punctured.
  4. Check coolant levels as the winter climate will diminish these levels. Top up or completely refresh before riding for the first time.
  5. Check for pooling or puddles under your ATV.  If you notice oil, coolant or gas pooling, address this issue immediately and do not run your unit.  If you are unable to resolve the problem yourself, take the machine in to your nearest service shop.
  6. A spring tuneup/oil change by technicians at your local service shop is a great way to start the season. Their trained eyes can spot problems and potential problems, saving you time and frustration and avoiding the possibility of you becoming stranded in the backcountry.
  7. Moisture and cold temperatures can wreak havoc on cables.  Inspect and test the throttle and brake cables thoroughly before your first ride of the season. Replace or repair the cables should you find any compromise in their performance.
  8. Be sure to go through your safety kit.  Everyone entering the backcountry should be prepared. A backcountry safety kit should consist of items such as bandages, gauze, sting and burn relief ointment, sunscreen, pain relief, allergy relief, food and water rations, and special medications if needed such as an epi-pen or heart medications. A small saw, fire starter, a tire repair kit, and small booster cables are also great resources to have should you become lost or stranded in the backcountry. During each season safety essentials may become depleted so start the season off fresh with a replenished safety kit.
  9. Refresh or replace batteries in life-saving technology such as a GPS, radio communicators, and InReach or Spot locators to ensure reliability when needed.
  10. Inspect windshields for scratches and cracks and replace if necessary.  Scratches and cracks will collect dust, making the windshield useless especially if the sun creates a distortion glare.
  11. Taking the time to prepare your machine for the season ahead is one surefire way to keep you safe and smiling all season long.

Volunteers Building Bridges

This article shows the dedications and commitment of the Quad Squad of Alberta. Closing these ORV trails to ORV use is just not making any sense. I do agree that all ORV riders must be aware of their footprint and must learn to manage their riding areas responsibly.

One of the most important things we can do in the backcountry is to “Steer Clear of Water!” Using existing bridges wherever and whenever possible is one of the best ways to adopt more responsible practices when recreating in the backcountry. Luckily, local volunteers and organizations, such as the Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad, have invested time and money into providing these bridges for you!

On Saturday June 4, 2016, Outreach Assistants Rob, Thomas, and Ryan drove out to Blairmore for the 22nd Annual Ed Gregor Memorial Stewardship Day. They had been asked by Gary Clark, president of the Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad, to come out and assist with the decking of two new OHV bridges that spanned Gold Creek near the abandoned town of Lille.

Volunteers from the Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad and the finished OHV Bridge

Volunteers from the Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad and the finished OHV Bridge

The Oldman Watershed Council places a priority on engaging with a diverse range of stakeholders, and the Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad have proven to be terrific partners over the years. Gary Clark is a member of our newly formed Recreation Advisory Council (RAC), which is a group made up of OHV users that will help inform the OWC on how to educate OHV users on safe, appropriate, and sustainable motorized recreation.

Quad Squad Volunteers Secure Bridge Decking

Quad Squad Volunteers Secure Bridge Decking

These two new bridges will allow OHV users in the Gold Creek area to keep their machines out of the creek while exploring the area. This is particularly important since Gold Creek is critical habitat for our native, and threatened, West Slope Cutthroat Trout. In addition to the bridges, Mike Taje from Alberta Environment and Parks installed signs at the Gold Creek Crossings noting that Gold Creek is protected habitat for species at risk.

Rob Taylor, OWC Outreach Assistant (also extraordinaire), helps Mike Taje, Alberta Environment and Parks, install Species at Risk Signage at OHV crossings on Gold Creek

Rob Taylor, OWC Outreach Assistant (also extraordinaire), helps Mike Taje, Alberta Environment and Parks, install Species at Risk Signage at OHV crossings on Gold Creek

So … remember to keep those wheels out of water in order to protect our headwaters!

If you would like to donate or volunteer your time on upcoming projects like this please visit the Oldman Watershed Council’s website today!

Crush bad habits, not cans, on the trail

ATVers in B.C. can work together to make drinking and riding a thing of the past.
by |

A group of ATVers on a trail in B.C.

ATVBC and its member clubs promote safe and responsible riding. — Kirsten Armleder photo

Spring is right around the corner, which means a new ATVing season in B.C. is about to begin. It is time then to broach a subject that’s been in hibernation for the last three or so months—drinking and riding.

Haven’t we been over this before—is it still a problem? Well, consider this: the British Columbia Coroners Service reports that from 2006 to 2015, there were 132 accidental ATV deaths in the province. Alcohol and/or drug use was determined to be a contributing factor in 56.6 per cent of these cases.

More recently, the Trauma Services team at Interior Health—which is the publicly funded health care provider for B.C.—conducted research on the nature of injuries related to ATV incidents that occurred within Interior Health’s service area between 2006 and 2016. Out of the 388 trauma admissions that were attributed to ATV injuries, there were six documented in-hospital deaths and 40 deaths at the scene. Alcohol and/or drugs were felt to a contributing factor in 55 per cent of pre-hospital deaths. The team also discovered that nearly 40 per cent of documented injuries reported no helmet used by the rider.

Facts and figures aside, no one can deny drinking slows your reaction time and impairs your ability to make decisions. Over the years, the organization that represents ATVers on a provincial level in B.C. has worked diligently to address the issue.

“On both safety training courses (the CASI ATV RiderCourse and the Canadian Safety Council ATV Rider Course), we teach how drugs and alcohol affect your judgement to make proper decisions,” said Ralph Matthews, vice-president and safety co-ordinator for ATVBC. “At all ATVBC events, we stress zero tolerance of both while riding on the trail. Save it for the end of the day.”

ATVBC also stresses the importance of wearing a helmet.

“At all ATVBC events, the wearing of an approved safety helmet is mandatory,” said Matthews.

By law, ATVers in B.C. are required to wear an approved safety helmet while operating on public land. This law applies to those riding UTVs or side-by-sides as well.

Let’s talk about side-by-sides for a moment. Equipped with car-like driving features, seatbelts and roll bars, they can give the false impression of added safety. Side-by-sides are powerful vehicles, however, and they have a high centre of gravity so rollovers and crashes can and do occur.

Speed can easily come into play, especially in the sportier models, which tout state-of-the-art suspension systems and upwards of 110-horsepower engines. It is imperative, then, for the operator to know his or her vehicle’s handling capabilities and take it easy when the conditions are not favourable. As with a car, if there are passengers present, the operator is responsible for their safety as well.

Riding a side by side in B.C.

The helmet law applies to side-by-side riders as well, and if the vehicle comes from the manufacturer with a seatbelt, it must be worn when riding on public land. — Monte Smith photo

Reaching the 10 per cent

Often, it has been said that 90 per cent of all ATVers out there are safe, responsible backcountry users. So what about the remaining 10 per cent who ruin it for the rest of the user group—how can we reach them without being labelled the fun police?

According to Matthews, being an advocate for safety takes discernment. For example, when approaching someone who isn’t wearing a helmet, Matthews said, the best way is to be as non-confrontational as possible. Inform them that is it now mandatory to wear a helmet. If a deeper discussion ensues, help them to see the bigger picture—for the decisions we make today impact the riding opportunities we’ll have tomorrow.


Province changes Castle Parks Draft Managment Plan after overwhelming feedback

Lethbridge News NOW
By Lara Fominoff @fomsy1 on Twitter

LETHBRIDGE – The push-back from the rallies, the protests and the letter- writing campaigns seems to have worked, at least to a certain extent.

In a stunning about-face, Environment Minister Shannon Phillips says the province is changing the initial Castle Parks Draft Management Plan to include a number of new initiatives, along with a consultation process with the public and stakeholders that will begin next week.

The details of the public consultation process have not yet been announced, however Phillips says it will begin somewhere in southwestern Alberta March 8th.

“There will be a number (of sessions). Because we are looking at trail planning, in the Porcupine and Livingstone’s two areas that are going to be public land use zones, in addition to how they relate to the next five years within the Castle, it will be quite a long process. I anticipate it will take at least the summer if not longer. There will be a very frequent engagement with communtities and people who make their livelihood in the area. Landowners, ranchers, and the recreation groups.”

Many Off Highway Vehicle recreation groups have been calling for an extention to the 60- day feedback window on the draft managment plan, saying the comment period is far too short.
That window has now been extended 30 days, until April 19th.

A number of changes to the actual plan are also being implemented, including:

1) Allowing hunters access to trail networks to make sure they can safely get in and out of the area and recover game safely.
2) Working with grazing permit holders to allow them to be managed by rangelands operations staff. A meeting with ranchers in the Castle area will be held Friday, March 3rd.
3) Ensuring fish recovery strategies and protection of the Cutthroat and Bulltrout fish populations.
4) Allowing the elderly and those with disabilities access to the park with special infrastructure investments.
5) The maintenance of northern access routes into the parks from the Crowsnest Pass.
6) No changes to OHV trail access this year (2017). There will be a focus on closing illegal trails and creating proper signage in the parks. The province will work with OHV groups on planning and ensuring the existing infrastructure is EITHER moved OR maintained as the years go on.
7) Exploring the effects of summer versus winter OHV use with the Alberta Snowmobile Association and government scientists to ensure trail planning proceeds accordingly.
8) Increased enforcement and education in the parks.

Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad President Gary Clark is shocked and pleased with the announcement; something that he says his group has been asking for, since 2003.

“We were shocked at first when OHV use was disallowed, when we were told that OHV use would be allowed. But at the same time we also thought we put what we thought were very good submissions forward. This shows that we can properly control OHV use, which quite frankly, was running a little rampant …. and we can control it and have a good balance with the environment and at the same time keep tourism alive in southwestern Alberta.”

The only thing Clark says should be explored is a permit -type system; something many groups have also been advocating for decades. The important thing, he emphasizes, would be not to put the money from that kind of system into general revenue, “so that you can spend that money on maintaining the trails and building the bridges over the waters to protect the fish habitat, and move bad trails away from the waterways. It would be nice to have a steady source of funding.”

The province is investing $20 million dollars in the Castle Parks over 4 years. Phillips says in the coming weeks and months, more details on capital infrastructure and improvements will also be announced.

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